Cleaning Doctor Vehicles your van based business opportunity

Your Cleaning Doctor Marketing Machine on Wheels - the van based franchise opportunity!

Included in the package is the design and fitting of Cleaning Doctor livery to a suitable vehicle, which has been purchased or leased by the franchisee after consultation with the franchisor.

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New Ford Transits - Low Roof and High Roof models

Cleaning Doctor head office have access to a supply of brand new and used Ford Transit vans at very competitive prices, as well as estate cars for home cleaning services franchisees. Franchisee do not have to source their vehicle through Cleaning Doctor Ltd., but it is often more economical to do so. Cleaning Doctor Head Office will give direction on the selection of a suitable vehicle for whichever franchise option.

A used vehicle must meet Cleaning Doctor’s minimum requirements; it must be clean, fresh and white, and available to be liveried, lined, racked and fitted out prior to the start of the initial training period.

We turn your white van into a marketing machine on wheels.

KHvan 3381

A Used Transit (depending on your budget)



A Brand New Transit


The van is liveried, lined, shelved and fully stocked with equipment and cleaning solution, to provide a truly turn key facility.

Marketing Machines on Wheels...
The home cleaning services vehicle must neet the minimum requirements. It must be a new or very fresh white estate car or similar, and be available to be liveried and fitted out prior to the start of the initial training period.


For immediate information, call now and speak with William Little:
Call Free: 0800 695 3344
Phone: 028 6634 1288
Ireland: 048 6634 1288
Int’l: +44 28 6634 1288

Or, complete the Franchise Enquiry Form: